Managing food allergies and seasonal allergies in children

Managing food allergies and seasonal allergies in children

Nutrition4Kids Podcast Logo with "Today's Guest: Hugh Sampson, MD" and Dr. Sampson's headshot.

Magic isn't required to handle food and seasonal allergies

By Hugh Sampson, MD and Kathleen Zelman, RDN

In this podcast episode, Dr. Hugh Sampson, an expert in pediatric allergies, joins Kathleen to discuss essential strategies for managing food allergies and seasonal allergies in children.

Navigating multiple food allergies

Dr. Sampson begins by addressing the challenges families face when dealing with multiple food allergies in children, a common situation, since children who are allergic to one food, can find they are allergic to others. He stresses the importance of accurately diagnosing food allergies, as positive test results do not always indicate a true allergic reaction. Consulting an allergist is crucial to confirm which foods are genuinely problematic. For children with multiple food allergies, ensuring nutritional balance is key. Dr. Sampson highlights the role of dietitians in creating comprehensive meal plans and, when necessary, using supplements or alternative foods to cover nutritional gaps.

Understanding seasonal allergies

The discussion then shifts to managing seasonal allergies, especially during peak pollen seasons. Dr. Sampson advises parents to start allergy medications, such as cetirizine (Zyrtec), before symptoms begin to effectively block histamine receptors and prevent allergic reactions. He notes the significance of monitoring pollen levels and using air conditioners with filters to reduce indoor allergen exposure. Dr. Sampson also clarifies misconceptions about local honey, explaining that it is not a proven remedy for seasonal allergies. Instead, he recommends practical measures like avoiding early morning pollen exposure and using air purifiers.

Empowering families and reducing stigma

Dr. Sampson also discusses strategies to empower parents and reduce stigma associated with food allergies in social settings. He emphasizes the importance of public education and the increasing awareness and accommodation in restaurants and other venues. By promoting understanding and effective management, families can help their children navigate social situations with confidence.

This episode offers valuable insights for parents navigating the complexities of managing food allergies and seasonal allergies in children, providing practical advice and reassurance from Dr. Hugh Sampson, a leading expert in the field.

About Dr. Sampson

Dr. Hugh A. Sampson is an eminent leader in the field of allergy disorders and a member of the Nutrition4Kids advisory board.  He is the Kurt Hirschhorn Professor of Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine in New York.  He has over 40 years' research experience in food allergy disorders. He has authored or coauthored more than 550 articles, 90 book chapters, and 5 books.

He was also a member of the NIH – NIAID Working Groups formulating Guidelines on Food Allergy and Addendum Guidelines for the Prevention of Peanut Allergy.

He was elected to membership in the National Academy of Medicine in 2003 for his research accomplishments.

He is the past-president of the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology, past Chairman of the Section on Allergy & Immunology of the American Academy of Pediatrics, past Board member of the World Allergy Organization, and has served on the Editorial Boards of five allergy journals.