Leslie Cox, RD
Leslie Cox, RD

Leslie Cox, RD

Leslie Cox, MS, RD, CSP, LD, CNSC Leslie started her career at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta then joined the Navy as an officer in the Medical Service Corps. She served as a Dietitian at Naval Hospitals and also served as Nutrition Programs Officer in Washington, DC. While in Washington, Leslie worked in the Health and Physical Readiness Branch developing physical fitness and body fat policy for US Navy and authored The Navy Nutrition and Weight Control Guide. In doing so, Leslie developed an appreciation for the complexities of weight management and eating disorders including the metabolic, biological, and genetic issues as well as psychological risk factors. She became a sought-after speaker providing nutrition lectures for active duty sailors and marines and assisted in developing health promotion policies for the Navy. Leslie also served on the advisory panel for Institute of Medicine research committee investigating body composition, nutrition, and health of military women. Leslie joined GI Care for Kids in 2014 and provides medical nutrition therapy for children and adolescents with a variety of gastrointestinal conditions with a special interest in inflammatory bowel disease and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. Leslie is a Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition as well as a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician. In addition to her clinical work, Leslie serves on the board of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals, Atlanta Chapter.