Michael K. Georgieff, MD
Michael K. Georgieff, MD

Michael K. Georgieff, MD

Dr. Michael Georgieff is the Martin Lenz Harrison Land Grant Chair in Pediatrics and a professor in the Department of Developmental Psychology at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis. He is co-Director of the Masonic Institute on the Developing Brain at the University of Minnesota.

The focus of Dr. Georgieff's research is on fetal-neonatal nutrition and brain development, specifically the effect of early life iron nutrition and neurocognitive function, resulting in more than 250 scientific publications. Dr. Georgieff is the recipient of numerous honors and awards for research, teaching, and public service including the Samuel J. Fomon Nutrition Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics. He is an advisor on nutrition and early childhood development to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Institutes of Health, and UNICEF.