Balancing diet and enzymes in chronic pancreatitis

Balancing diet and enzymes in chronic pancreatitis

diet and enzymes in chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis usually leads to chronic pancreatic insufficiency. The pancreas is unable to produce or deliver its normal supply of pancreatic enzymes that is needed to digest foods. As a result, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT ) is prescribed with every meal and most snacks to help digest and absorb foods properly.

It is a very delicate balance to find the right amount of enzymes. Too many enzymes and constipation can result. Not enough enzymes and malabsorption and its consequences can continue.

Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are not absorbed well in EPI if the enzymes aren't properly balanced. These vitamins need to be taken in a water-soluble form so that they can be easily absorbed.