Colon cancer in adults with cystic fibrosis

Colon cancer in adults with cystic fibrosis

One of the few times the lung affects your colon


Because patients with cystic fibrosis are living longer, we now know that older adults with CF have a much higher risk for colon cancer than others their age. The risk is 5 to 10 times as high in patients with CF and as much as 25 to 30 times as high in those who have had a lung transplant. 

The best way to prevent or early detection of colon cancer is to check bowel movements for blood. Not just the blood you can see, but hidden blood that requires checking stool samples. A colonoscopy is recommended every 5 years starting at age 40 years for individuals with cystic fibrosis. Colonoscopies should start at age 30 or 35 years for those who have had a lung or liver transplant. Depending on your individual case, you may need a colonoscopy more frequently. Discuss your screening plan with your healthcare team.

colon cancer and cystic fibrosis