There's more sugar in foods and drinks than you might think

There's more sugar in foods and drinks than you might think

How much sugar does your child get each day?

Lucille Beseler, RDN

Is co-author of Nurturing with Nutrition and a former president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics representing over 100,000 Nutrition professionals, while also active as a clinical dietitian in South Florida.

Article in collaboration with: Melanie Bazarte, PhD

While everyone loves their desserts and snacks, the sugar may create problems.

Most parents and kids don't realize how much sugar is in the foods they eat and drink. It doesn't mean much when it's on the label in grams. But there are 4 grams in every teaspoon (tsp). In a 12 ounce (oz) can of soda, there are approximately 40 grams–that's 10 teaspoons (in a 16 oz bottle, that's 13 tsp). Juice has just as much- sometimes more. If you look at the list, you might want to think about drinking water or milk instead and eating some desserts less often.     

Sugars in different foods and beverages

  • Soda- 10 tsp. In each 12 oz. can
  • Fruit drinks and juice- 10-12 tsp. In a 12 oz. can
  • Sports drink- 9 tsp in a 20 oz bottle
  • Sweet iced tea- 8 tsp in a 12 oz glass
  • Icecream/frozen yogurt- 3 tsp. in 1/2 cup*
  • Low-fat flavored yogurt- 5 tsp. in 8 oz. serving
  • Cake- 12 tsp. in 1/8 slice of 8-inch frosted cake
  • Fruit pie- 6 tsp. in 1/6 of an 8-inch pie
  • Cookies- 2 tsp. in two medium cookies*
  • Muffins- 1 tsp. In one medium muffin*
  • Jelly/honey/syrup- 3 tsp. in 1 Tbsp.
  • Chocolate- 6 tsp. in 1 milk chocolate bar*

* Large amounts of fat also

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