Vitamins are important for babies from time they're conceived, and for the rest of their lives

Vitamins are important for babies from time they're conceived, and for the rest of their lives

Don’t forget your vitamins. They help to create our body’s systems and keep them running


Vitamins are a must for pregnant women and athletes—but for everyone else too, cradle to grave, as they say. Not just as pills, but from their original sources, fruits and vegetables. Vitamins help to build our bodies and keep them running, as Dr. Carol Wagner points out in this first of a series of videos for Nutrition4Kids, where she answers parents' questions about vitamins. Dr. Wagner is a professor of pediatrics and associate director of their Clinical and Translational Research Center at the Medical University of South Carolina, where her research focuses on understanding the vitamin D requirements of pregnant and lactating women and their infants, as well as the long-term impact of vitamin D deficiency on health.

Other videos in the series include the particular need for vitamin D during pregnancy, the amount pregnant moms need, where to get vitamin D, and vitamin D in breastmilk and vitamin D's importance in the body's immune system.