Carol Wagner, MD
Carol Wagner, MD

Carol Wagner, MD

Dr. Carol Wagner is a specialist in neonatal and perinatal medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, where she is a professor of pediatrics and associate director of their Clinical and Translational Research Center. Her research focuses on understanding the vitamin D requirements of pregnant and lactating women and their infants, as well as the long-term impact of vitamin D deficiency on health. Dr. Wagner has taught us enormous amount about breast milk and how the vitamin D a pregnant mother takes can help her baby. 

Dr. Wagner joined Nutrition4Kids as a featured speaker at a Nutrition4Kids / Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics co-sponsored symposium. Her lectures are archived here. She recently joined us again to review the importance of vitamin D in a baby's life for the webinar series: Nutrition in the First 1,000 Days, which extends from the time of conception until a toddler turns two. In a series of videos for Nutrition4Kids, she answers parents' questions about vitamin D during this important time.