What new moms need to know about breastfeeding

What new moms need to know about breastfeeding

The benefits and challenges of breastfeeding

Bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful and rewarding experience, and breastfeeding is the most natural and nurturing ways to nourish your baby. However, it can also be a learning process for both you and your little one. This guide is designed to provide new moms with essential information, tips, and support for successful breastfeeding.

The benefits of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers a multitude of benefits for both you and your baby. Understanding these advantages can motivate new moms to start and continue breastfeeding:

For your baby:

  1. Nutrition: Breast milk meets your baby's specific nutritional needs, providing a near-perfect balance of nutrients, proteins, and fats.
  2. Immune boost: Breast milk contains antibodies that help protect your baby from infections and allergies.
  3. Digestive health: Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of digestive issues like colic and diarrhea.
  4. Cognitive development: Studies suggest that breastfeeding contributed to enhanced cognitive development in infants.
  5. Bonding: The physical closeness and skin-to-skin contact during breastfeeding promote a strong emotional bond between you and your baby.

For you:

  1. Postpartum recovery: Breastfeeding helps your uterus contract, reducing postpartum bleeding and aiding in your recovery.
  2. Weight loss: It can help you shed pregnancy weight by burning extra calories.
  3. Convenience: Breast milk is always ready and at the right temperature, making feeding convenient and cost-effective.
  4. Ovarian and breast cancer: Breastfeeding may lower your risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer.

Getting started with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a new and sometimes challenging experience for new moms. Here's what you need to know to get started:

1. Latching on: Ensuring your baby latches onto your breast correctly is crucial for a comfortable and effective feeding experience. Make sure your baby's mouth covers most of your areola (the dark area around your nipple) and not just the nipple itself.

2. Positioning: Experiment with different breastfeeding positions to find the one that is most comfortable for both you and your baby. Common positions include the cradle hold, football hold, and side-lying position.

3. Frequency: In the early weeks, babies feed frequently, often every 2-3 hours. This is normal and essential for establishing your milk supply.

4. Skin-to-skin contact: Spend time skin-to-skin with your baby, both immediately after birth and during feedings. It helps strengthen the bond and can encourage successful breastfeeding.

5. Feeding on demand: Pay attention to your baby's hunger cues, such as rooting, sucking on hands, or crying. Feed your baby on demand rather than following a strict schedule.

6. Burping: Remember to burp your baby during and after feedings to prevent gas and discomfort.

7. Seek support: Don't hesitate to seek help from a lactation consultant or a breastfeeding support group if you encounter difficulties or have questions.

Nutrition and hydration

As a breastfeeding mom, your body needs extra nutrients and hydration to support both you and your baby. Here's what you need to know:

1. Balanced diet: Aim for a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products.

2. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Thirst is a common signal while breastfeeding.

3. Caloric intake: While breastfeeding burns calories, it's not the time to diet. Your body needs extra calories to produce milk, so focus on nourishing yourself and your baby.

4. Prenatal vitamins: Continue taking your prenatal vitamins to ensure you're getting essential nutrients. You can take extra vitamin D to help your baby, but the baby may need some too.

Breast care

Taking care of your breasts is essential for a smooth breastfeeding experience:

1. Nipple care: Ensure your baby latches on correctly to prevent nipple soreness. If you do experience discomfort, apply lanolin cream or your own breast milk to soothe sore nipples.

2. Breast engorgement: Engorgement is common when your milk comes in. Apply warm compresses and express a little milk before latching your baby.

3. Breast pump: If you need to pump, choose a breast pump that suits your needs and follow proper hygiene and storage guidelines.

4. Blocked ducts and mastitis: Blocked ducts can occur, leading to mastitis, a painful breast infection. If you notice redness, swelling, or a fever, contact your healthcare provider.

Challenges and solutions

Breastfeeding can come with challenges, but there are solutions to many common issues:

1. Low milk supply: If you're concerned about your milk supply, try nursing more frequently, offering both breasts, and staying well-hydrated. Consult with a lactation consultant for personalized guidance. 

2. Cracked nipples: Proper latching is key to preventing cracked nipples. Use a nipple shield or nipple cream if needed. Again, a lactation consultant can help.

3. Breastfeeding in public: You have the right to breastfeed in public, but if you're uncomfortable, consider using a breastfeeding cover or finding a quiet, private space.

4. Returning to work: Plan ahead for returning to work by building a stash of pumped milk and discussing your needs with your employer.

5. Weaning: Weaning can be a gradual process. Replace one feeding at a time with formula or solids to transition your baby gently.

6. Premature infant: Breastfeeding a very young premie enhances their immune factors to lessen their risks of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), but your baby's neonatologist will likely suggest adding extra protein and nutrients to your breastmilk.  

7. Multiple births: Breastfeeding twins and more can take a bit more effort, but many moms find it worthwhile.

8. While you're sick: Breastfeeding when you're not feeling well  or taking medications present a extra challenge, but hopefully, it's short-term.

Postpartum emotional health

Breastfeeding can have an emotional impact on new moms. Some may feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious. Remember:

  1. It's normal to experience a range of emotions during this time.
  2. Reach out to your support system, whether it's a partner, family member, or friend.
  3. Seek professional help if you experience persistent feelings of depression or anxiety.


Breastfeeding is a unique and beautiful journey that offers numerous benefits for both you and your baby. With the right knowledge, support, and care, you can navigate the challenges and joys of breastfeeding successfully. Remember that every breastfeeding experience is unique, so be patient with yourself and your baby as you embark on this rewarding adventure of motherhood.

Sources and Resources

Harvard Medical School 


Cleveland Clinic





Nutrition4Kids Video